Pikes Peak Home School Music (PPHSM) provides home schooled students the opportunity to participate in choir as well as to learn/play musical instruments and to perform for the general public. Most of the financial backing for this musical organization comes from tax-deductible donations to the PIKES PEAK INSTITUTE OF MUSIC (PPIOM)–a non-profit Educational Organization and a 501(c) (3) public charitable organization set up specifically to support the (PPHSM) musical programs. Donations to the PPIOM are vital for the band’s existence. These tax deductible gifts are used for a variety of purposes, including the purchasing of the music the band performs and buying instruments that band members would normally not purchase on their own.
Your donations to the PPIOM are an essential part of making the (PPHSM) such a rewarding experience for its many members. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the PPIOM.
Just click on the link below and a donation form will appear in another tab of your browser. Download the form from the other tab and fill in the required information, print and mail it along with your check, to the address on the form.
Thank you for your support!